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Do you need more guidance, do you need areas to focus your healing intent on, or are you feeling a bit stuck or need more clarity and a deeper connection? 

88 GBP | Written Document

This is a written reading, I open the field up in my sacred space on a higher dimensional space, and I invite your higher self, essence in and your guides into the space to help us move forward in your highest good and for the highest good of all, I understand that our guides are expressions of source light, (who over lights this work) just as we are, their frequencies of love have messages to convey that can assist you. I always work from deep within the heart to bring messages of love, re assurance, confirmation, joy and peace.

I write you a report that is 2-3 Pages, to send to you with all information and guidance that wanted to be communicated to you at this time. It is a focused document offering you the space and wisdom to access deep personal healing.

I work with ascended masters and lady masters, the elementals, councils of light, Angelic and celestial beings, the animals, ancestors, your higher self, future and higher aspects of you that come through to be seen and heard. To pass on messages, I like to give you a broad overview then focus on guides that wish to communicate a message directly (in their own words)

I finish the document with guidance on your energy field at this time, energy centers to focus on, why, and how. I love advising on crystals that come forward for you to work with to assist you at this time.

Energy Investment: 88 GBP

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